The Amish Cook from Oasis Newsfeatures

Some site redesign

fending's picture

We've been talking for a while about some new/exciting features coming up. Part of that is the site's redesign into a cleaner format. What do y'all think of that? A little less noisy, some better lines, etc.

Also new is the Twitter integration; every time Kevin posts something, it's put out to Twitter automagically. Any interest from readers to post *their* blog posts at this site to their twitter accounts? If so, shout out - we can set that up for you. We put some more "post this to..." links at the bottom of each entry, so you can use StumbleUpon or other such sites to your hearts' contents.

Anyway, keep the suggestion box stuffed - we may not do it right away, but everything gets considered.

Re: Some site redesign

There seems to be a slight problem with some text size or text box size.  For instance, I just opened up "Amish Cook Recipes"  The first recipe is for a hot potato salad.  In the title of the recipe, only the bottom part of the text shows - I see the bottom half of an 'H' the bottom half of an 'O', etc. It's almost like the text box is too short for the text size.  Other than that, everything looks find.  Good job!  Oh one more thing.  The web page doesn't take up my entire screen.  There is about an inch and a half on the right that is unused (the banner goes all the way the the right but not the rest of the page).

fending's picture

Re: Some site redesign

Let me take that in two parts:

1. the title chopping... you're right, that's a "text size"-induced issue, paired with a "that container is too small" issue... it creates rather an issue when combined. We're going to look at that soon when we redo how titles + articles are displayed on each tab... needs to be a little nicer than current, just ran out of time!

2. the banner runover and extra space... the space I get; that's by design. But the runover? that has one of a few explanations, depending on how your browser drew the page; hard to tell which. In any of these cases, I'd really like to change/complexify how we incorporate the ads, which solves most of the problem, I think. Generally speaking, we should maybe think about widening the article display area (at least some of the time, more like a blog does) and sprinkling ads throughout (like news outlets do). It would actually help the reader's experience to have a wider content area for reading + photos. Who looks at ads, anyway? ;)

See, the site's in this strange place; an adolescence (which it's nearing, chronologically!) of sorts where it WANTS to be blog with a large community behind and involved in it, but there's soooo muuuuuch content that putting up a single "content river" (a la a blog) on the home page without any tabs or content features does that base of content a disservice. Mix the very active discussion forums into it, and it's REALLY riding a line of where to put all of this great information generated by both the Kevin & Lovina and the community at large.

Toward that end, a re-do of just the homepage is probably in order... but not this weekend. :)

Thanks for the feedback! Keep it coming, all!

Re: Some site redesign

I tried the weekly column this morning, but still get all the right side of the screen data blocking that side of the column. Hope you can adjust it. I did try the "decrease text" button, but it made no difference. Thanks for all. I do like the colors, but also appreciated the black and white, perhaps as it is plainWink

Re: Some site redesign

Thanks, Fending! As of 7:00PM. I can now read it w/o my magnifiing glass and bifocals! Bless you for all the hard work you have done on this site, I know it is appreciated.


fending's picture

Re: Some site redesign

Excellent - glad it all worked out. We had some issues with internet explorer, one on top of another that caused the same thing. This works now, thank goodness!

Re: Some site redesign

I have to ask, what program are you all using? I have Windows Vista, which apparently everyone hates(my family included), but it is all I have ever used. This new format is very compatible with it..I honestly see no difference, other than colors and a fresh -look. That is why I said it didn't make a difference. Perhaps you are running older, non-compatible programs? Just a stab in the dark, I never had a computer before last end of Jan. Hubby went to college(nights) for programming. It took him 5 yrs. to talk me into one. Always before, his was in his welding shop. No kidding! I have not had to adjust sizes or hunt for anything, it's all right there as usual, just different colors,etc. Go figure....

doodles47's picture

Re: Some site redesign

I like change to some extent..but I am having problems with little boxes in the middle of the comments that can't be moved and so needless to say I can't read the comments....also on the first page that comes up, I have the search, text size, make a difference, and all right in the middle of "writing"...How do I make all of the words and bells, whistles, and everything else fit on the page so it doesn't overlap? Karen

Re: Some site redesign

 Question- Now on my computer  on the right  margin it has Ads by Google in light blue. On the left margin light green. Scroll ing down to Who's New , another light green box is covered with a light blue box, so I don't know what is in the green box, the blue has either Chocolate Whoopie Pies or Bally fat Diet Recipes or both. Is that the way its suppose to be???

Re: Some site redesign

Wesleyba, my screen looks the same as yours. I have Windows XP. As long as the Weekly column is on here, that's what counts!


fending's picture

Re: Some site redesign

I think you're seeing what I am - google ads to the far right in light blue... and another square google ad block beneath the Who's New block. "Whoopie pies" happens to be in the text on mine too - strange how it looks like that's covering something (I see it too) - but in fact it's not.

Re: Some site redesign

   Ok, now I see the title in green and the box in blue. Below Who's New is Ads by Google, looks good , like the two colors.

eggcetra_farms's picture

Re: Some site redesign

I tried to reply but it's not showing up.  I got a message about malware when I tried to go to the color blender site.

fending's picture

Refinements + Colors

So we've been rolling in a few changes as suggested above - including text resizing, more colors, and different ad placement to kee more content "above the fold" (in newspaper terms).

What's left? TONS! Keep the feedback coming - and for those really interested in colors, how about we open up that discussion, too? Check out this site:

...and post back your favorite color pallet names (each grouping of six colors there has a name, just to make it handy). From that, we can better gauge what Joe and Jane Reader think the colors should be for this website and make some steps toward integrating those suggestions.

Re: Refinements + Colors

Do not go to colorblender. it is an infected site

Re: Refinements + Colors

Hmmmm, my viruscan didn't pick up anything, did it for you, Barb?

Re: Refinements + Colors

  Kevin, my huband has Sophos antivirus on all the computers, he says nothing gets past it. Sophos is a high quality produce that is used by most large IT department s world wide, because nothing get past it.

eggcetra_farms's picture

Re: Refinements + Colors

Re: Refinements + Colors

I rather like the color combo called "Normal Blue" underneath the "Browse Blends" option.  Maybe if it were possible just to have white or gray behind the post text, that would eliminate some of the eye-strain/headaches some people are experiencing. 

Again, I will say... if you have a nice colorful banner, it would be much easier to color-coordinate the rest of the site ;-)

Re: Some site redesign

to be honest with you the old layout was much, much better, and where is the weekly column to be found, Kevin says there is a tab on the top right, but not on my computer there isn't?????? totally confused and also, this scheme is much harder on the eyes too........sometimes change isn't always good......

Re: Some site redesign

 Make sure that your Explorer Window is wide enough.

Re: Some site redesign Weekly Column



Re: Some site redesign Weekly Column

I did that ChrisC but I still  don't have the weekly column


eggcetra_farms's picture

Re: Some site redesign

The yellow hurts my eyes.  If it were in the sidebar areas or something maybe it wouldn't but trying to read the text on this color background is killing me.

I'm all for changes though.  Life is boring without them.

Keep up the good work Kevin and Brian.

Re: Some site redesign

 ok ! my comment.. the site is ok with some adjustment in some areas. But I still can't find where to click on the weekly coulmn for Lovina's weekly column.  someone said it is on the right. all I see in the heading is among other  headings on the right is...Editors blog, Readers blog ,book store. How I have found it is in the search...  then past lovina's columns have shown up. Is it just me? I am left handed. that may be the reason.

Re: Some site redesign

Irk, I did the same as you but it still didn't come up under search for "Weekly Column"

fending's picture

Re: Some site redesign

It's always right here - but you have to be logged in to see the tab in the navigation... otherwise, there's a link to Weekly Column in the top left sidebar.

Re: Some site redesign

 Not so computer savy I clicked increase text size . no change. It didn't bring Lovina's weekly column up but ....then I tried decrease. That worked .  I now have it showing.

Re: Some site redesign

On my page, it is just on the right side of the "Bookstore" tab at the top.

Re: Some site redesign

Okay, let's all settle down and take a deep breathe ;-)  Brian is trying to spruce up the ol' site, and it may take a little trial and error to get it right.  Practice makes perfect, no?  (Not saying you need to practice, BF ;-)  By the way, who is Mollom?

From what I can see, the format/placement of the features is generally in the same places.  The text/coloring has been tweaked.  I am liking this green/light blue combo better than the gray/black/white.  The yellow does clash a bit, though.  What I would REALLY love to see is a really spectacular "Amish Cook" banner (and maybe some widgets), full of color.  Kevin has so many great photos at his disposal from the books, etc. that would just make an outstanding and grounding centerpiece to the homepage.

The things that are bugging me a little bit: 

-The Twitter updates.  I know a lot of websites have that, but all of Kevin's updates are things he has already posted on this site, for the most part.  Therefore, it takes up a lot of eye-catching space and seems a little redundant.  I liked it earlier today when you just had the "Follow us on Twitter" link there.

-The enormous text size of the subheadings under the posts is a little overwhelming to me, for some reason.  I know text size has been a major source of discussion/frustration in this thread, so I will just leave it at that ;-)

-I miss the red "New" next to the new posts.  That was very convienient just to scan down to the posts you haven't read yet.

...Okay, now back to my pedicure... ;-)

ps...Love the new word, "automagically."  I will be using that in my daily life from now on.

fending's picture

Re: Some site redesign

"Red New" has come back. Working on the "Updated" one right now, but that is a bit more elusive.

I think it's on Kevin's roadmap to have a designing work done (header area, smoother graphics, etc) - what you see are the meager efforts of a programmer who's taking comments out of the suggestion box and implementing what he can.

The Twitter posts are - you're right - just what's been posted automagically from the site. The intent here was to have those AND all of the stuff that Kevin was planning on doing in addition to those. I guess we should think about canning them until he's making more posts directly to twitter, but I'm expecting a crimp on my time *very soon*, so I'm loath to take something out that might be relevant very soon. Guess I should call the guy, huh? :)

The butter yellow behind posts is actually a flashback to over three years ago, when this was the background color for all text for over a year or so. That does kind of need to be toned down a bit, at least... The "sad panda" white-black-grey motif was a temporary thing. That'll teach me to get wild & crazy on a site like this!