A bittersweet blessing..

I am not sure how many of you recall a couple months ago when I blogged about my nephew in Iraq. At the time, I told you that he is my youngest brother's son, and that my brother had died tragically 3 yrs ago. Okay..enough history! Today, I had a visit from the girl that my brother had been engaged to at the time of his death.( That isn't strange, she is a visiting nurse and helps me with my dad). The neat part is that her daughter from her first marriage had a baby girl on my birthday!!! As some of you know, that was a week ago. They brought her to see me because we share a b-day and because they want me to be "grandma Barb"..even tho' we aren't related. They wanted the baby to somehow have a connection to my brother, isn't that touching? I'd bet Jimmy"d love that!! Just thought I'd share!

Re: A bittersweet blessing..

That's very cool Barb.  I've always said you can never have too many friends and that sometimes "family" isn't necessarily a blood relative.  Enjoy that little one!

Re: A bittersweet blessing..

That is so wonderful.  Love has ways of growing and the more you share the more you receive. 

Re: A bittersweet blessing..

Oh Barb, what a wonderful Blessing! I have tears in my eyes just thinking about you and the baby and your brother and all, but then, I am the most senimental of souls and love a good love story. Thank you for sharing with us!Cry (happy tears!)

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