The Amish Cook from Oasis Newsfeatures

You know you live in a small town....

Ya know ya live in a small town when....Today my daughter and her 2 sons went to town to finish buying party-favors for their combined B-day party ,to be held Sat. Tucker will be 5 and Jethro just turned 3. We went to the local pharmacy/gift shop. I found 2 little lawnmowers,something they both had asked for. To get them out of the store(without the boys noticing!), one of the clerks hurriedly took the price stickers, another watched the isle, and a "shopper" went to talk to my daughter while I made a mad dash to my trunk!! It was a successful manuever, and the boys never caught on. Try this at a big-box store!! God bless our neighbors, in our small town!

Re: You know you live in a small town....

When my mom had surgery back in January, I made 1 phone call to a friend and next thing I know many of my home town citizens who knew my mom said they were praying for her!! 

The phone pipeline spreads fast in my small community :)

Sorry I haven't been on here for a long time, my mother suddenly became ill back in January (she's 87).  She was diagnosed with breast cancer, had surgery and is now going through treatments (no Chemo or Radiation)....she is doing extremely well and her Onocologist is surprised over her recovery, the medicationa and the prayers are doing a miracle over this cancer :)

Re: You know you live in a small town....

Good to see you again, Gatewalker!!!

Re: You know you live in a small town....

Very touching story!!! My own mother died from breast cancer 7 years ago at age 70. It is a tough battle , indeed. I will be praying for your family. Small town folks are amazing!!! We had so much support when mom was sick. I am so glad you're not doing radiation or chemo...I always thought that making the body a toxic waste dump was screwy, and after seeing what mom went through, now there's no doubt! I am of the school of thought that given the right "atmosphere", that healing will take place. Prayer is a MIGHTY tool!!

Re: You know you live in a small town....

I am so very sorry about your mother, I don't know what I do without mine.  My mom is on the hormone therapy medication and once a month infusion of a drug called Zometa that is really helping mom.  At the time she was in the hospital I was so touched over the many people that were praying.  We just found out that my Sister In Law was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer last week...I truly and absolutely HATE this disease. 

Re: You know you live in a small town....

You know you live in a small town when: 

  1. It has an aquarium -- stocked with a live minnows
  2. The town newspaper is published monthly
  3. The town is named after EVERYONE'S distant relative.
  4. The Ice Cream store has only two  flavors, chocolate and vanilla. 
  5. There's no hospital -- only a first aid kit
  6. For fun on Saturday nights, people drive up and down main street. 
  7. There's no bank...  as soon as someone gets enough money, they leave.
  8. The only traffic jam's are caused when a farmer drives down Main Street on his combine.
  9. The local phone book has only one yellow page.
  10. Hardware, Dry Goods, Grocery, Clothing and farm supplies are all sold at the same store.
  11. Third Street is on the edge of town
  12. You call a wrong number and they supply you with the correct one
  13. McDonalds only has one Golden Arch
  14. The 7-11 is only open from 8 - 5.
  15. The only road crossing Main Street is a dirt road.
  16. There's no place to go that you shouldn't
  17. "Night on the Town" takes only 11 minutes
  18. At the last beauty contest, nobody won 2nd or 3rd.

Re: You know you live in a small town....

That's a neat list!! Our paper is published weekly, And we don't have a hospital. One grocery store, a few bars, two pharmacies(one local; one chain), a flower shop, a pizza shop, a couple beauty shops, a few churches, and a bank. That about sums it up.. oh yeah, there's a Sheetz. Not anything big or fancy...but it's home!!

TomK's picture

Re: You know you live in a small town....

You know you live in a small town when you're you're own grandfather! 


Hope the party went okey dokey....

Re: You know you live in a small town....

I remember that song!! Didn't Grandpa Jones(from Hee Haw) sing it?  The party was great, the younger boy stood under the pinata, holding his bag as if the stuff would magically fall out and right into his bag!! Kids are soooo funny!!

Re: You know you live in a small town....

This sorta reminds me of an accident I had several years ago. I went over to Albion to visit my mom from Kalamazoo. As I turned onto one of the main roads, an older gentleman with a brand new car (sticker still in window) pulled in front of me and I hit him. (When asked why he did it, he replied; "the salesman told me to turn around in the street and pull back in to get the car detailed". He never looked and there was no light at the drive he was at. Worse, my 15 year-old Toyota wagon totalled his brand new Chevy, tore the front wheels right off at a 45 MPH impact. I cried for both of us, but it  only ruined my radiator. But I digress) When the picture of the accident was in the paper, the caption read, "Local Woman Injured in Accident". I laughed so hard I burst open the stitches on my sternum. I hadn't lived in Albion for more than 20 years! I don't know about never going home, guess sometimes you can never get away!

Hope the boys had a great Birthday Party! Blessings to you and yours, Barb!     

Re: You know you live in a small town....

When i think about it why am i laughing so hard at this story??

Re: You know you live in a small town....

Sorta like that old addage, laughing so hard until you cry or laughing until it hurts. I still smile over the whole incident!

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