Amish Flower quilt garden tour

Being from Elkhart County in Indiana and one of the larger Amish settlements,I find it strange that no one has mentioned the Amish Flower quilt gardens. They are different patterns and completly fowers. They are at their peak now and just beautiful.  Im sure Elkhart In. has a web site giving more information. Check it out. You wont be dissapointed!

Re: Amish Flower quilt garden tour

Thanks for mentioning it! Our website is You'll find info, maps, links to our blog and twitter, audio tour of each garden and a detailed info card. Please email me with any questions you might have.

t's Fun. It's Free.
It's Fantastic.

There's nothing else like it in the entire country!

From Now - October 1

16 official gardens! Each quilt garden has its own splendid pattern, many are original designs, and each has its own unique story.

Re: Amish Flower quilt garden tour

Thank you, Patty.  I thought about you the other day, realized we hadn't heard from you for awhile.  Thanks for sharing this.  To see more info about this visit:

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