The Amish Cook from Oasis Newsfeatures

Shipshewana Day Trip

We're going to be taking a day trip to the Shipshewana and Middlebury, Indiana area next Monday.  


What shops and stores are "must see?"  Thanks.


P.S.: Das Dutchman Essenhaus is one of my "must see" eateries! I've never had a bad meal there.

Re: Shipshewana Day Trip

Thanks, we'll have to check 'em out.

Re: Shipshewana Day Trip

Gohn Brothers in Middlebury.  Phone for address 800-595-0031

There's a huge bulk food store and on the same road is a place that has lots of cool stuff for sale,  Eash sales 260.768.7511  I think Yoder's Department Store is on the same road too.  Spectors fabric store has quilts for sale as well.  Spectors is across the street from Yoders.  Wish I was going!