The Amish Cook from Oasis Newsfeatures

casting around

i'm doing the hunt and peck thing today due toa fall in the bedroom this morning.  i tripped over a rug in my bedroom while i was trying to get dressed.  i broke my wrist in two of the bones in my wrist.  they have me on ''happy pills'' now.  i don't know when and how i can write on the site for a while.

Re: casting around

how awful.  did you get ck'd for osteoporosis ? might be a good time to do so if not.  sorry, i guess i just have to ..

take care and lets all pray for a successful healing and any therapy that might be necessary later on.

Re: casting around


Re: casting around

Speedy recovery, Nancy! - Janice

Re: casting around

Sorry to hear that, take care of yourself.  Don't worry, you won't be graded on spelling/typing errors for a while.

Don't over do!

Re: casting around

What a shame.