The Amish Cook from Oasis Newsfeatures

Monkey Apples

a.k.a. Osage Orange, Hedge Apple.


Does anyone have any use for these? Are they edible?


We used to play baseball with them years ago, but I'm just wondering what else can be done with them.

vonissk's picture

Re: Monkey Apples

The trees are called Bois d'Arc.  The Indians here used the wood for bows and arrows.  It is very hard.  I have 2 of them in my front yard--hate the thorns but they are good shade trees.

Re: Monkey Apples

My mother use to put them in her window sills on the outside. She swore that it kept the bugs away. Have to say she didn't have any in her house. We never tried to eat them, just played with them.

Re: Monkey Apples

Web says they are great squirrel  food! The only part of the fruit are the seeds, and people can eat the seeds. The Osage Orange trees were named for the Osage Indians in the area, and used for property hedges when there were no fences. Cows can choke on them if not throughly chewed. And only female trees bear fruit!

Re: Monkey Apples

LOL, good info!  Around here, they are just called Hedge Trees and the "oranges" are called hedge balls.  They are a pain in the butt and messy.  My MIL's neighbor has some of the trees, and we are always running over the balls and smashing them all over the road.

Re: Monkey Apples

Are you talking about those large, softball-sized, lumpy green things that fall from hedge trees?  If that is what you are talking about. they are supposed to keep insects out of your basement.  I knew someone would would set them all over, and I guess the crickets, etc. do not like the smell or something.  I know the trees are supposed to produce good firewood, that burns hot and long.

Re: Monkey Apples

Hey Luv, yes the wood does burn hot and long but it also sends out A LOT of sparks. I have the burnt carpet to prove it Frown Oh and I learned in a fifth grade social studies class that the wood was well used by the native Americans because it was so hard.

Re: Monkey Apples

I've wondered about this myself.....I don't know that a Hedgeapple Pie, though, would be that appetizing...anyone know if there are any uses for these?

Re: Monkey Apples

now i know what they are.....they have little bumps all over them....i remember seeing them as a child.  i guess that i did not know what the name was....duh!Embarassed

Re: Monkey Apples

what is a monkey pie anyway.  i have never heard of thisSurprised