
Rattlesnakes? Who has been having trouble with rattlesnakes? Everyone that post on this site is from somewhere. I live in S.W Kansas and my 2 year old grandson got bit by a rattler this past monday. He had to be lifewatched to a bigger hospital and it was touch and go for the first day. He was released from hospital this afternoon. Just curious? Who has had to watch out for rattlesnakes? I am thinking about Lovina and her family. My husband killed one yesterday and again this morning. Anyone out having to watch out for them ? linda

Re: rattlesnakes

What in the heck is a chicken snake?  I've read several references to 'em.

Re: rattlesnakes

a non-poisenous snake that feeds on eggs and ratsand small birds.  In some parts of the country it is called a rat snake or even a corn or pine snake.   Here in the south they are notorious for getting into hen houses to get eggs.

Re: rattlesnakes

I'm here in North Florida and we have loads of 'em--including the pygmy variety--also cottonmouths, the occasional copperhead, and coral snakes. 


I hope the little one continues to improve.



Diann's picture

Re: rattlesnakes

KJuneBug, Seattle sounds perfect, for the most part! I love the mountains and the ocean, and you have both! BTW, I saw on our news that the Seattle Space Needle was struck by lightning, I think back on Tuesday. That looked scary! Would love to go up in that thing. On a clear day, I bet you can see for miles and miles.

Re: rattlesnakes

Yep, you can see for miles!  Wow, that's pretty cool that they showed the lightning on the news back there!  I saw the video clip on the internet.  It was hit like twice, and another building too.  It has like lots of lightning rods on top, they said that if you were in the needle at the time you wouldn't even have known, since the rods take the energy straight into the ground.  It's pretty rare that we getting squalls such as the one on Tuesday, maybe three of four times in a year. Out of that storm on Tuesday, we only had one clap of lightning/thunder, so it depends where you are, since it's not flat, the storms break apart and change pretty quick.

Mountains and the Sound: The one thing we miss the most when traveling about is the views of the mountains and the smell of Puget Sound.  We give praise to God for living here as it can be so beautiful, and mild.  We are blessed to see the Olympics (west), as we go down our street and just around the corner, going the other way (east) we see the Cascades.  Last night we went down to the beach near us on the Sound, it was a bit chilly, but it was clear and beautifully sunny, we watched the sunset over the Olympics.  Puget Sound is nice because it has a calm tide line, not the big crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean, so the children can dip there toes in the water without being washed out to sea.

Eastern Washington, is similar to the midwest as far as weather goes, it's gets flat pretty quick once you're across the Cascades.  And it is much warmer, actually the further away from the Sound that you go, the warmer it gets, here in the low lands, a lot of us flock to Eastern WA on holiday weekends  such as this, just to go for the warmth.

Western WA is a nice place to live, it's just getting harder to be conservative Christians and live here.

Re: rattlesnakes

 Carson is home. Not yet able to walk or crawl . The rattler bit him the calf of the leg . The Dr say there is muscle damage . Hee will have to go to therapy. They think as little as he is he will be ok in time. He is terrible bruised and this leg swollen clear to the hip it  is twice the size of the other one. One puncture the Drs told them had there been two he would not have made it. Thanks for everyone support. Those that are troubled with rattlesnakes , please be careful. Especially with liitle ones outside. linda

paulaayn's picture

Re: rattlesnakes

What an ordeal for such a little guy (and Momma/Grandma too)!

I am so glad we don't have anything poisonous here in Ontario.  Ok, there are massasauga rattlers, but only in parts of the province, up in the hills, in the middle of no where :)  There's some terribly big spiders in the barn, but they are just scary not dangerous -though they will attack if cornered 

Sure hope the little guy is well and home soon.

Re: rattlesnakes

I guess there's someting to be said for our nothern/cold climate!!

paulaayn's picture

Re: rattlesnakes

I thought of the little guy this morning as I opened the door and let Ella run loose in the long grass while I was hanging laundry.  I'm so glad my only worries are the old well in the woodshed and the large equipment moving around.  I don't think I'd ever let Ella outside if I had to worry about snakes/spiders!  More reasons to be thankful for living in Canada.

So glad to hear he's home.  I'm sure he'll make a full recovery, the little ones heal so quickly and often make miraculous recoveries.

Re: rattlesnakes

I know what you mean, we live in such a mild climate in the Pacific NW.  When we went on our trip last year, since we were camping, we would ask the campground folks if we needed to be aware of any poisonous creatures, the places we went seemed to be some of those mentioned that are dangerous critter free.  I do recall the Guide at Mammoth Caves looking for snakes and that was about the only place.  We don't even have ticks here (no roaches either)!  

Re: rattlesnakes

Move over y'all---I'm moving in next door.  So doggone sick of roaches, palmetto bugs, fire ants, brown recluse spiders, scorpions & heat.


Geez...listing all the above is making me wonder whyintheheck I *DO* live here in FL.  I are an idiot, I reckon.

Re: rattlesnakes

No roaches, no spiders, no snakes, MAY I COM LIVE WITH YOU!!!

Re: rattlesnakes

Well there are a few houses on the market in western WA! 

I'm passing along "secrets" we northwesterns usually don't talk about!  Oh, while I'm spilling secrets... It doesn't rain as much as they make it sound like it does either, we actually get less annual rain than alot of places in the country.  What we do have are cool overcast days, on those days it's pretty much grey all day.  Then there are days like we are having right now shhhhh! these are the "secret" days we don't tell about!!!  On these days, we have wall to wall sunshine, and afternoon temps in the low 70's; perfect Seattle days we call them.  If that thermometer starts on towards and surpasses 80 we all whine about how hot it is!!! And well 90 - we all head to air conditioned places like malls, movie theaters, ice skating rinks or towards Puget Sound, and whine somemore, yep, we are a funny bunch us northwesterners!!!!  

There are brown recluse spiders, but they are well recluse, yep, that's about it!

Re: rattlesnakes

I hope your grandson is making a full recovery.


I'm in NW Tenn. and like doodles47 we also have rattlers, cottonmouths and copperheads.

Re: rattlesnakes

Killed a small rattler 3 weeks ago on my carport (I'm in Louisiana). Also killed a chicken snake.  It has been such a wet wet spring they're roaming. 

doodles47's picture

Re: rattlesnakes

Western Ky has them....and sometimes BIG ones.  My hubby killed one a couple of years ago in one of the tobacco patches. It had 15 rattles and a button.  They were cutting the tobacco and one of the boys bent the stalk of tobacco over to cut it, and under it lay the snake.  Bob was in the next row, and used the tobacco knife to kill it.  The snakes like to get up under the tobacco plants and out of the sun. 

We also have copper heads and cotton mouths.   We just have to watch where we step and what might be under something if you pick it up.  I HATE THEM

Hope he gets better fast.

Re: rattlesnakes

That's interesting that you have them in Western Ky and we don't here in Northern Ky. Must be the KY river that keeps them your wayWink

doodles47's picture

Re: rattlesnakes

That is true....we have the pond river that runs through our area.  You may not believe this, but on the west side of the river, you very rarely see a rattler...but on the east side of the river, the rattlers are everywhere.  The tobacco patch was on the east side.  Here at my house, we have more copper heads.  There is an old saying around here, that if you have chicken snakes (and they can get to a length of 4 - 6 feet or more) you probably won't have any poisonous snakes around.  We have chickens, and I really don't like any snakes, but I will leave them alone if they stay out of my henhouse. Laughing  If I find one in the henhouse, HE IS GOING TO SNAKE HEAVEN.  Karen

Re: rattlesnakes

Luckily I haven't seen any rattlers here in South Carolina.  I'm sure there are some but not where I live.  We have Black Widow Spiders here.  My grandson was bit by one a couple of weeks ago.  Thankfully he didn't have a bad reaction and didn't need any antivenom. 


Re: rattlesnakes

Oh, how scary! In Mckean Cty, PA, we do not have rattlesnakes. However, 35 miles from here is a continental divide. My oldest son lives on the other side of it approx. 42 milles from here, in Cameron Cty. He does have rattlers, seems odd to me , that since we're in close proximity..that it would differ so. But it does. I sincerely hope the little one is OK.

TomK's picture

Re: rattlesnakes

I do hope the little guy heals fast. 


We just have one kind of rattler here in Michigan the massasauga rattlesnake and unless you go in the deep woods you really won't see them...

Re: rattlesnakes

That's one really awesome thing about western Washington, no poisonous snakes and only like the brown recluse spiders, and the usual yellow jackets and bees.  I'm really glad we don't have to worry about those things here.  Eastern Washington is different, there are rattlers over there.  Hope the little guy is OK, that must have been a frightening situation for all.


Father, Jesus, be with this little guy and the family as one of your creatures got a hold of him.  Help him to heal. Amen     

Re: rattlesnakes


Thank you, by the way, for your support of The Amish Cook. You'll be getting a more formal thank you soon.  Your grandson's full recovery will be in my prayers.  Rattlers are not a problem here in SW Ohio. I will say that last weekend I went biking and saw an eight foot long seemingly unhappy black rat snake along the trail....that rattled me for sure, but no rattlers! -Kevin

eggcetra_farms's picture

Re: rattlesnakes

Poor little guy!  I hope he's completely well now.


No rattlers here in San Antonio that we've dealt with.  We've gotten little checkered garters but that's it.  My friends that are in more rural areas of Texas have been complaining about the snakes being in abundance this year though.  Not rattlers but other varieties.

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