Girl's day out..

Tomorrow, my daughter & I are making our annual trek to the greenhouse! We go every year at this time to choose  the flowers for our gardens and hanging baskets for our porches. The greenhouse is owned by a couple that I have known all of my life, I went to school with their daughter. It is small by comparison to some, but they raise all of the plants from seed. They always do extremely well for us. It is an enjoyable day for us, although it isn't totally a "girl's" day..her two little boys go along! It is fun to watch them run up and down the long rows of flowers. Paul, the owner, likes to pick on the kids. I am looking forward to a good time, and I'll let you all know what I choose this year!!Smile

Re: Girl's day out..

We also have had frost and freeze warnings for the last 2 nights, and also tonight. I got impatiens, petunias, marigolds, a new variety of daisy, million bells, and a really petite blue flower that I forgot the name of. Our outing was a blast, the boys had fun as well as mommy and grandma!!! Our area green houses are noticing an increase in sales as well. This economy has people worried,for sure!

Re: Girl's day out..

I'll keep your garden and everyone else's in my prayers for the summer. We have gotten so spoiled in our abilities to go to the grocery store to buy what we need that we have forgotten what it is like to grow our own food so that we have enough for the winter months. I think that this is a great "new" trend whose time has come. I'm also thinking about some hydroponic gardening for the winter. We have a store here in Kzoo that specializes in it. A friend has tomatoes all winter this way, and I'm considering trying it.

Re: Girl's day out..

So what plants did you get? I went Sat and got many of mine, but am now covering them because of frost warnings! Here in Michigan, the greenhouses are selling out of many of the plants many are starting "survival" gardens because of the economy being so bad. I just buy a few each year for my raised garden beds. My 8 year old granddaughter will be over Sat. to help me plant. 

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