The Amish Cook from Oasis Newsfeatures

From the archives: Layered Lettuce Salad....

I was going through old Amish Cook letters, recipes, and paperwork today when I stumbled upon a handwritten page of recipes from Elizabeth Coblentz, Lovina's Mom.  It looks like it was for a book we were working on that never came to completion.  One of the recipes on the page looked especially inviting during this hot midwestern summer.   How about a cool, refreshing lettuce salad?  She called it "Layered Lettuce Salad" but to me this looks like a pretty typical 7 layer salad type recipe, although maybe without 7 layers.  Anyway, if anyone wants to give the recipe a whirl, here it is:



1 head lettuce
1 cup celery, diced
4 eggs (hard-boiled and sliced)
10 ounces of uncooked peas
1 sweet onion
8 slices fried bacon, diced
2 cups mayonnaise
2 tablespoons sugar
4 ounces cheddar cheese, grated

Tear clean, crisp lettuce into small bite-sized pieces and place in 9 X 12 glass dish.   Layer the rest of the ingredients   Layer the rest of the ingredients in order given.  Add sugar to mayonnaise and spread over top like frosting.  Top with grated cheese and diced bacon,

Re: From the archives: Layered Lettuce Salad....

we have this iin various forms throughout most of the hot weather.  It uses up dabs of leftovers as a layer or two when they just are not enough to reheat. You might find some northern beans, corn, peas, shredded carrots along with anything else. Having some salad dressing or salsa seems to make it all become a fabulous salad meal.

Re: From the archives: Layered Lettuce Salad....

Maybe it's time for a reader's potluck!

Re: From the archives: Layered Lettuce Salad....

We served this salad when I used to work in the faculty dining room at Wright State U. and it was a great seller. It is a delicious salad!  Tongue out

Re: From the archives: Layered Lettuce Salad....

Yum. Sounds like our seven layer salad.

Re: From the archives: Layered Lettuce Salad....

I have made this before!! It is one of our favorites during haying season! I make it the night before and it's ready when we are taking our lunch break the next day.

Re: From the archives: Layered Lettuce Salad....

I swear one of these days you are going to have an unexpected guest at your house - ME....Your life sounds very Amish (I mean that in a good way)

Re: From the archives: Layered Lettuce Salad....

C'mon over,Kevin!!