Yard long beans

eggcetra_farms's picture

This is the bloom of a yard long bean plant.



I just love them.  Okras and yard long beans have the prettiest blooms.


If you've never had yard long beans you should give them a try.  They are a longer, skinnier green bean.  They're an Asian variety and called yard long because they can literally get that long though they are best to be picked at about 12 inches or so.  They have a slight nutty flavor and can be used in the same way as regular green beans.  They're also excellent for stir fry because they don't "mush up" as easily as a regular green bean.


Here are some beans I harvested last year.


P5280002.jpg Asparagus Beans picture by eggcetra_farms

If you'd like to plant some, know they come under different names.  I've seen them packaged as yard long beans, asparagus beans, dau gok, snake bean, Chinese yardlong bean and more.

UPDATE  Wouldn't you know..........I talk about the yard longs and when I checked the garden I noticed the first few forming.


Re: Yard long beans


How close is a neighbor to you?  I am glad that you are living the life you want .Everyone has dreams and to follow them is a gift. My husbands dad died when he was a 8th grader. He became the bread winner  . His brother was only a 2nd grader. His mother worked cleaning houses and ironing..  we got married in 72.  We now farm and own our own ground.  We are blessed to do what we want. Farming is not easy and if you live close to a big city the price a person can get for their ground. farming is on the losing end . linda

eggcetra_farms's picture

Re: Yard long beans

The neighbors are a few feet away.  It's a typical neighborhood.

Re: Yard long beans

WOW eggcetra_farms, you live in the city and are allowed to have chickens, I just live in a village and we cannot have anything like that, nothing that can be considered farm animals...I swear I am moving, where I live there are more rules than in some communist country.......

eggcetra_farms's picture

Re: Yard long beans

If I were in incorporated San Antonio I would be limited as follows:


Sec. 5-109.  Animal limits; excess animal permit.
(a)   The total number of domestic fowl and livestock allowed at a residence is five (5) which may include:
(1)   Up to three (3) domestic fowl; and
(2)   Up to two (2) animals from the following classes of livestock:
a.   Equines;
b.   Bovines;
c.   Sheep;
d.   Goats; and
e.   Llamas.
(Taken from the municipal code which can be found here http://www.municode.com/resources/gateway.asp?pid=11508&sid=43 )
The thing is, I live in unincorporated San Antonio or what they just refer to as "living in the county."  I have no idea if there are limitations to the amount of fowl we can keep or for any animal for that matter.  We are in San Antonio for address purposes and are very much in an urban setting (not at all rural), we just don't play by the same rules.  Perhaps that could be an option for you if you move and like being in a city setting.  I say that with not a clue of what it's like where you're at, but that is the way it is here.  It's really funny and weird sometimes how we are in a city but because it's unincorporated it's like being in the Wild West sometimes.  I like it though.  No one has said we can't have the chickens or they don't like the chickens and we don't keep roosters so that keeps the noise down.


Re: Yard long beans

 I have to have tomatoes. I plant caspian pink and brandywine kind  . They have a good acid flavor. you have to cage them as they get rot on the bottom. Take forever to ripe though. So usually plant a early girl variety to get by till they are. Summer squash , zuccuni and yellow crook neck ,of course cucumbers.  At the farm we plant maybe a half acre of watermelon , yellow and red. Crismon sweet and charleston grey and ambrosia cantaloupe and of course sweet corn. We plant the bi color kind . I share with my neighbors. The only problem I have is getting rid of all the squash once it gets going. We plant howden pumpkins for the grandkids . have to wait the the regular corn planting to have help. This is a far cry from when we were in our mid 30's when we had a 10 acre truck garden. Whew!! alot of work but met alot of nice people. Both my husband have seen 50 come and go and the better half is in his 60's .But the garden bug never leaves you.

eggcetra_farms's picture

Re: Yard long beans

Wow!  That's a lot of planting.  We dream of a proper farm one day.  Right now we live in the city so we just have a regular sized backyard to play with BUT we've managed to have enough room for the garden, chickens and rabbits.  Oh, what I would do with more room........

Re: Yard long beans

They do have a pretty bloom . I have never have tried them but have heard of them.  I am a getting the itch to play in the dirt. . I cleaned out the weeds and trash from my flower bed yesterday and planted more perennials.  I will start to plant the vegetables sometime next week.

eggcetra_farms's picture

Re: Yard long beans

How fun!  What all are you going to plant?

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