
fending's picture

The Amish Cook is now on Twitter! Sort of... Obviously, this is a tool for Kevin (and not Lovina directly) and takes a little time to get up to speed on how to write something great in 140 characters or less. :)

Nothing's really posted yet, but I did install some of the "plumbing" so that whatever Kevin posts here gets pushed out to Twitter, too. Not necessarily that useful for you guys, but kind of cool for Twitter users who aren't necessarily coming here every day. Additionally, when his time gets a little freed up he'll probably be doing a bit more out in Twitterville, which is where the fun begins. Anyway, you can follow @theamishcook on twitter and see the adventure unfold!

What is Twitter

Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? (Technically speaking, things like this are called "microblogging", which is a helpful term.) For online communities, it can be a great resource for promoting things like articles and blog posts. But Twitter excels at sharing "status updates" (Twitter users call them "tweets") with whoever wants to read or receive them.

Re: Twitter!

Great, Brian, thanks...I'm traveling this week, just what I need, as if amishcookonline and Facebook weren't enough you've given me yet another online forum to keep up with!Smile

fending's picture

Re: Twitter!

Is this considered a Technical Foul? ;)

Let's talk when you get back in town. There are a ton of options - for instance, I have my own site set up to post links on twitter automagically just like here... then I have a facebook app that posts all of THOSE in my FB status updates (along with nearly anything else that I post directly to twitter). Oh, the tangled web. There really are people using each in distinct ways, and you'll no doubt find the right level of engagement for each!

eggcetra_farms's picture

Re: Twitter!

I will be following Kevin's Tweets.

Re: Twitter!

Is it hard to set up to automatically post from your blog to Twitter?  I have a Twitter account, but hardly ever post because I don't think to do it.  I figure I am already blogging about whatever.

fending's picture

Re: Twitter!

That depends. (Don't you hate answers like that? :) ) Do you mean the Reader Blog posts that you create at this site? Or another blog? If this site, email me using this contact form. If it's another blog, it gets tricky fast depending on what you use. Drupal (, the platform on which this site is built) has a lot of development around it and there was a Twitter module around to "plug in" - it took about 20 minutes to set up (including the @theamishcook twitter account!) because I'd done it before. WordPress, Blogger, MoveableType... they may have solutions out there, but I can't vouch for their existence, stability, or ease of use.

eggcetra_farms's picture

Re: Twitter!

I love the Waffles theme.

Re: Twitter!

I am a straight-up Blogger can be quirky, but the price is right ;-) 

ps... Didn't Drupal sing that "Super-model" song back in the 90's?  ;-)

fending's picture

Re: Twitter!

I believe you're thinking of drag queen RuPaul. There is an equally enthusiastic community around Drupal, most noteably a loveable bunch of nuts at Posted therein is a song credited to lullabot co-founder Jeff Robbins. I'm pretty sure he still has his dayjob.

eggcetra_farms's picture

Re: Twitter!

I just set up my account and I see that you can have Twitter "nudge" you if you haven't posted in more than 24 hours.  I set mine to do that since I'm brain dead half the time.  I've got all this stuff to keep track of now!!  A blog, Facebook (thanks Kevin) and Twitter (thanks again Kevin LOL) along with my other stuff.  It's fun though!

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