Oasis Newsfeatures The Amish Cook The Kitchen Scientist Family Daze Guest Writer


The Internet has added a new wrinkle to my job as Elizabeth's editor. For 10 years before this website began, Elizabeth simply wrote her column and I edited it and sold it to newspapers. Now communication with Elizabeth's readers is as quick as a mouse-click, and the need for more material is ever-increasing. I still must caution that for modern technology-savvy users of this site, we are still faced with old-fashioned obstacles. People who email questions to Elizabeth are really at the mercy of my travel schedule. The questions to Elizabeth are emailed to me, I take them to her on my visits, and then bring her answers back with me for posting on this site. Regrettably, the process can be a slow one. I visited Elizabeth on Monday, October 8, took many of your questions with me and will be posting lots of answers next week.

In the meantime, to satisfy the need for quicker content, there is a new, improved feature on this site.

Elizabeth has hundreds, if not thousands, of recipes, family favorites that have been passed down through German generations. It's enough recipes to fill her dinner-table, cookbooks, and this web site on a more regular basis. That's why the "Recipe of the Month" feature is being changed to "Recipe of the Week."

Each week, this spot will feature family favorites from the Coblentz kitchen. Elizabeth or yours truly will provide a brief introduction to each recipe. As always, Elizabeth is not a professional chef. She cooks by feel: "a little bit of this", and "a little bit of that." I can attest that her food is very palate pleasing. I'll try to clarify her measurements, or you can email me directly for any clarification.

Kevin Williams
Executive Editor
Oasis Newsfeatures