I hope you're enjoying and noticing the much, much more frequent Amish Cook content and recipe updates on this website. Oasis Newsfeatures is about more than just "The Amish Cook", though. Oasis Newsfeatures - a company I started from scratch back in 1991 - also syndicates "The Kitchen Scientist." I'll have much more to say about this feature in the coming days, but "The Kitchen Scientist"- penned by Mississippi native Tara Hayes - is a really, really neat food feature that comes from the opposite side of the kitchen, metaphorically speaking, than "The Amish Cook." Tara writes about the nuts and bolts of cooking and the science behind what makes bread rise and popcorn pop. I hope you'll take a few minutes over the coming weeks to check out the part of the website under www.thekitchenscientist.com. To accomodate more material from and about The Kitchen Scientist, I'm shifting stuff around, if you have any questions about where to find favorite features, just email me at [email protected]. Thanks for visiting!

Kevin Williams, Editor

[email protected]