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Amish in the News

As the world modernizes, the Amish increasingly find themselves in cultural conflict with the rest of society. More and more often these conflicts are finding their way into courtrooms and newspaper stories. From the battle over orange reflective triangles on buggies to mandatory state-run schooling for Amish, there seems to be no shortage of stories. The stories arent always about battles, though. Sometimes a newspaper article will feature a story about an Amish bakery that serves mouth-melting, delicious food. Or about an Amish woman that makes wonderfully soft colorful quilts.

TheAmishcook.com is now introducing a new section devoted to The Amish in the News. Youll be able to visit here to see regularly updated stories and interviews, some will be culled from newspapers, others will be from our own sources. Either way, I think youll find them interesting and informative.

Our first story is about a recent conflict in Pennsylvania pitting a very conservative group of Amish against the state in a battle over buggies. Click here for the full story.

Kevin Williams
Executive Editor
Oasis Newsfeatures